- 著者:
- Peter Milward
- 出版社:
- 学術研究出版
"Authors' Places in Britain" is a collection of photographs of the many places in Britain associated with famous authors in English literature.
It begins in London, where so many famous authors had to live in order to achieve literary fame, and then moves to the English countryside, from which they had to derive their literary inspiration. And so it continues through the Southern counties from Kent in the East to Devon in the West, and then to the Midlands, from Oxford to Beaconsfield (omitting Cambridge), and finally jumping to the North, to the Bronte Country and the Wordsworth Country (which is also the country of Peter Rabbit). Also in the South of Scotland, it takes in the houses of two main Scottish authors who have notably contributed to English literature, Sir Walter Scott and Robert Burns. As for Shakespeare, he demands separate treatment, but he is represented in the two photographs for the cover. (閉じる)
販売(無期限): ¥ 880(税込)