- 著者:
- Peter Milward
- 出版社:
- 学術研究出版
Usually, when we speak of "education", we think of school, primary, secondary and possibly tertiary school, we think of students sitting at desks and being taught by teachers on various subjects. But for human beings, as opposed to animals, the whole of life is an ongoing education. Even little babies are always learning new things at home, especially from their mothers, and later from their brothers and sisters. Even old men and women have much to learn both from the changing world outside them and about their own changing selves. "Who am I?" is a question that we should never cease asking ourselves, and discovering new answers. Even Shakespeare's King Lear, at the old age of eighty, found himself forced to ask that question, "Who is it that can tell me who I am?" To this we may well answer, "God only knows!"
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