How Children Feel, Think and Act Pediatric Neuroscientific Psychology
The mind of a child is fundamentally different from that of adult. The child can express their knowledge by words, but child acts from its emotional mind. An adult can control its habitual mind and emotional mind with consciousness mind and can act from its consciousness mind. There are two kinds of children. One is heart-active-child and the other is heart-painful-child. Heart-active-child can act like adults to get prizes from its mother, but heat-painful-child can only act from its emotional mind.
赤沼 侃史(あかぬま つよし/Akanuma Tsuyoshi)
A doctor of neuroscientist.He has been saving children who are called School refusal which is popular among Japanese students. (閉じる)
- ジャンル:
- 人文・思想 > 心理一般
- 販売開始:
- 2023/02/14
- ページ数
- 24ページ
- ファイルサイズ:
- 0.65MB
- J0010380BK0135570001
- 対応デバイス:
購入 | レンタル | |
商品価格(税込) | ¥220 | - |
閲覧可能期間 | 無期限 | - |
ダウンロード可能期間 | 無期限 | - |
ダウンロード回数 | 制限なし | - |
How Children Feel, Think and Act Pediatric Neuroscientific Psychology
販売(無期限): ¥ 220(税込)
販売(無期限): ¥ 220(税込)