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Guide to Strategic Management Accounting for managers


Guide to Strategic Management Accounting for managers

Shigeaki Takai
IFC Consulting Ltd.


Strategic Management accounting that creates change resilience and enhances financial strength and profitability

It has been one year and three months since WHO recognized the new coronavirus as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. The infection of the new coronavirus has spread all over the world, and the social and economic conditions of the globalized world have been severely damaged, and its vulnerabilities have been highlighted.
<New management issues that have become apparent due to the COVID-19>
-Deterioration of break-even point due to decrease in sales
-Expanding the gap between management and on-site awareness due to the impact of the COVID-19
-Increasing number of internal frauds, fraudulent accounting of overseas subsidiaries, and inadequate internal control
-Roadmap, goal setting and concrete measures for the realization of a carbon-free society

Under these circumstances, what is most needed is the ability to respond to change by making use of hypotheses and verifications, in addition to the wisdom accumulated in the past, such as failure experiences and success experiences.
In order to build a corporate structure that responds to change, it is necessary to manage change points by narrowing the pitch rather than managing goals. To that end, it is urgent to align the common operation cycle weekly, chain conventional management indicators (financial indicators and non-financial indicators), and manage the cockpit with the idea of the Balanced Scorecard.

As an inventory-centric management consultant, I advocate management accounting that can be used as an immediate force by connecting the management team and the field. In particular, as an evangelist of CCC (cash conversion cycle) and IFC (inventory freshness management) (閉じる


Table of contents

Chapter 1 Management Accounting and Corporate value creation index
(1) Management Accounting and Financial Accounting
(2) Fixed costs, Variable costs and Break-even point management
(3) Corporate value management indicators, especially ROE, ROIC and case studies (もっと読む

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Guide to Strategic Management Accounting for managers
販売(無期限): ¥ 2,790(税込)